
Migration is an international phenomenon affecting several sectors of both the destination and the country of origin. EU is the most targeted destination for migrants and there are three main routes bringing refugees and migrants to it: the Western Mediterranean Route (usually via Morocco to Spain), the Central Mediterranean Route (usually via Libya to Italy) and the Eastern Mediterranean Route (usually via Turkey to Greece).

The Central Mediterranean Route via Libya is the most active one and accounts for the largest number of people crossing by sea to Europe. Libya is both a transit and destination country Migrants in Libya suffer bad conditions and violations.

A large number of reports from local and international organizations show that the humanitarian situation in and out of detention centres in Libya is inhumane on many levels. Migrants at detention centres encounter massive overcrowding, human rights abuses and alarming sanitary conditions.


In this frame, the Overall Objective of the HGRA project is to improve the capabilities of Libya to manage and mitigate the impact of the Libyan migration crisis both as a destination country and as a country of origin, by strengthening the Higher Education Institutions system.



To massively collect data and relevant information, and to use such data for developing solutions to reduce its negative effects and benefit from its advantages.

Policy Hub

To develop policy recommendations to be addressed to key actors involved in the management of the migratory phenomenon. This includes Focused trainings to build the capacities of the academic staff of Libyan universities.

On-the-job training

Targeting beneficiary universities to elaborate a tailored made teaching proposal adapted to the Libyan national context.

Educational programs on migration studies

The project will create the foundations to allow the local Univeristies to address the migratory crisis locally and from its roots by creating speficis training paths.

Work PackageS

WP 1
Work Package 1

Project management and coordination

WP1 deals with the management of the HGRA project and great emphasis has been placed on ensuring optimal organisation, management and decision-making structure of the project. Therefore it is linked to all the specific objectives of the project.
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WP 2
Work Package 2

Fact finding, update of data collection, Observatory

WP2 aims at collecting data and relevant information about the evolution of migration issues and its impact on the local society as well as the actual needs of Libyan HEI. Besides, supporting local policymaking in terms of advocacy, agenda-setting, policy formulation, implementation and evaluation of local needs, introduction to planning... Discover more
WP 3
Work Package 3

Libyan Policy Hub on Migration

The objectives of WP3 are: To transform data, information and analysis elaborated in WP 2 into reports, which will formulate policy proposals and recommendations on key issues of migration and international protection directed at Libyan academics and public authorities... Discover more
WP 4
Work Package 4

Training Modules

WP4 has the objective to provide beneficiary universities with the tools to structure their own academic teaching modules in the field of Migration and Development, suitable to train professionals to be employed in the sector and fostering the local institutional capabilities to manage and mitigate the impact of the migration crisis and establish the foundation of a future structural migration policy... Discover more
WP 5
Work Package 5

Dissemination and communication

The specific objectives of WP5 are: creating the dissemination and communication products of the projects: project identity, brochures, online social networks, and video. Stimulating discussion and getting feedback from stakeholders on the project’s results. Raising awareness about the project activities on the issue of the migration and engage stakeholders... Discover more



European Partners

Libyan Partners