Empower Libyan universities to tackle migration issues in higher education: the first roundtable and workshop of the HGRA project
The Erasmus+ capacity building project ‘HGRA – EnHancing manaGement and studies on migRation issues in
Migration is an international phenomenon affecting several sectors of both the destination and the country of origin. EU is the most targeted destination for migrants and there are three main routes bringing refugees and migrants to it: the Western Mediterranean Route (usually via Morocco to Spain), the Central Mediterranean Route (usually via Libya to Italy) and the Eastern Mediterranean Route (usually via Turkey to Greece).
The Central Mediterranean Route via Libya is the most active one and accounts for the largest number of people crossing by sea to Europe. Libya is both a transit and destination country Migrants in Libya suffer bad conditions and violations.
A large number of reports from local and international organizations show that the humanitarian situation in and out of detention centres in Libya is inhumane on many levels. Migrants at detention centres encounter massive overcrowding, human rights abuses and alarming sanitary conditions.
In this frame, the Overall Objective of the HGRA project is to improve the capabilities of Libya to manage and mitigate the impact of the Libyan migration crisis both as a destination country and as a country of origin, by strengthening the Higher Education Institutions system.
To massively collect data and relevant information, and to use such data for developing solutions to reduce its negative effects and benefit from its advantages.
To develop policy recommendations to be addressed to key actors involved in the management of the migratory phenomenon. This includes Focused trainings to build the capacities of the academic staff of Libyan universities.
Targeting beneficiary universities to elaborate a tailored made teaching proposal adapted to the Libyan national context.
The project will create the foundations to allow the local Univeristies to address the migratory crisis locally and from its roots by creating speficis training paths.
The Erasmus+ capacity building project ‘HGRA – EnHancing manaGement and studies on migRation issues in
Call for External Evaluator with expertise in migration issues in the framework of the E+
Call for provider for the visual identity and website development of the HGRA project, n° 101083015
European Partners
Libyan Partners
This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.