Libyan Policy Hub on Migration

Work Package 3


M6 - M36

WP Leader



The objectives of WP3 are:

To transform data, information and analysis elaborated in WP 2 into reports, which will formulate policy proposals and recommendations on key issues of migration and international protection directed at Libyan academics and public authorities;

To exchange knowledge and best practices on different topics, related to the migration management, organising three workshops.

The ultimate goal of WP3 is to set up  a Libyan Policy Hub on Migration with the goal to use the outputs of WP2 in order to formulate policy recommendations. Under this respect the Hub will work in close collaboration with the Migration Network to be set up in WP2.


Task 3.1: Setup of the Libyan Policy Hub on Migration
Task 3.2: Workshop on border control
Task 3.3: Workshop on the status and integration of migrants
Task 3.4: Workshop on international cooperation