Training Modules

Work Package 4


M1 - M36

WP Leader



WP4  has the objective to provide beneficiary universities with the tools to structure their own academic teaching modules in the field of Migration and Development, suitable to train professionals to be employed in the sector and fostering the local institutional capabilities to manage and mitigate the impact of the migration crisis and establish the foundation of a future structural migration policy.

A specific focus will be devoted to the adoption of standards and criteria inspired by the Bologna process for standardisation of European higher education and the Dublin descriptors about the outcomes achieved by the future Libyan students.

This will enhance the quality of the training but also the international recognition of the training programme easing in this way current and future partnerships and networking with the European Higher Education Institutions. In line with the current standard of EHEA (European Higher Education Area), on the basis of the huge and qualified experience of the members of the Faculty of the MSc in Migration and Development of Sapienza University of Rome, hosted by the Department of Social Sciences and Economics, as well as that of the other EU Higher Education Institutions involved in the project, teaching and administrative staff of the beneficiary universities in Libya will benefit for technical support and on-the-job training to elaborate a tailored made teaching proposal focused on the multi-dimensional training needs for the management of the migratory flows adapted to the Libyan national context.


Task 4.1: Elaboration of data collection
Task 4.2: Background Thematic roundtables
Task 4.3: Training workshops
Task 4.4: Training for the trainers modules